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Which Gas Fireplace Is The Best Fit For You?

Not sure what kind of gas fireplace you are looking for? Not sure what you can and can’t do? These diagrams will help you see what is going to be the best fit for your home. Whether it is direct vent, vent free or b-vent. Check out these diagrams to see which gas fireplace is going to work best for you!

Vent Free is 99.9% efficient and does not require and any vent pipe. If you do not have a fireplace or a small amount of space, vent free gives you the option of having a fireplace. Vent Free fireplaces are self contained which helps allow the heat to stay inside the home instead of being lost through the chimney.

Vent Free

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Direct Vent

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Direct Vent Fireplaces take outside air and circulate to make radiant heat that heats through the glass. They can be vented through an exterior wall or through the roof. Direct vent fireplaces feature a high efficiency rating,the solid glass front radiates heat while preventing warm room air from being lost up the flue pipe.

B Vent Fireplaces are only 40%-50% Efficient. They can only have a vertical vent only. They use air from inside your home to fuel combustion and rely on the buoyancy of hot gases to vent exhaust through dedicated pipe systems. Their simple design makes them cheaper and easier to install than a Direct Vent Fireplace however, they are much less efficient.


B Vent

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